Our core values & qualities

We want our referees to want to improve their performance, which requires them to have a mindset that desires self-improvement and will allow for the intrinsic motivation to achieve growth.

Having a growth mindset, one that believes they can change, is important when encountering the inevitable bumps in their journey. It means we believe we can adapt and overcome the challenge ahead, for example, I can get faster by doing some running training. Growth mindset and optimism together creates a cycle of hitting a road bump, identifying the cause, changing to overcome, persevering past bump, enjoying the feeling of being a little stronger and seeking the next challenge.

“Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth”
– Bryant McGill

Mistakes need to be looked at as lessons; they teach us responsibility for our actions and shed light on things we might not have previously seen or understood. Mistakes are inevitable, so we must be ourselves and try new things to have the opportunity to reach our full potential.

“Your best teacher is your last mistake”
– Ralph Nader

The family culture we are aiming to create within the referee program needs to translate to a team-first mentality on the floor. We achieve success and face failures as a team and work together to improve. We ask for help when we face a setback and in return, are happy to offer help when asked of us.

“You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.”
– Jim Stovall

Successful teamwork requires its members to work cooperatively towards a common goal. This requires understanding that people will have different ideas and opinions, and that everyone has the right to share these in an appropriate manner. Respecting others means we listen and have an open mind towards others, even if we do not necessarily agree. We must also value other’s peoples time and appreciate any effort shared with us.

“One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say”
– Bryant H McGill

If we wish to gain the respect of others, we must present a person to be respected. Self-respect means we feel we are behaving in a way that demonstrates dignity and that we can be proud of. We must show effort, make choices to better ourselves and look after our body and minds.

“Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of someone else”
– Judy Garland

Self-belief is about knowing that life will not be perfect but being willing to try and try again because you will figure out how to overcome anything that is in your path. It is about having positive self-talk and encouraging yourself to build confidence and self-esteem.  It is about taking control and moving life in the way you want it to go. This control can be taken through something called learned optimism. This is when a person applies temporary & specific causes for negative experiences, and permanent and pervasive causes of positive experiences. This means they place the onus on themself, and believe they are in control of the situation.

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there”
– Theodore Roosevelt

Self-belief & embracing mistakes allows people to be themselves, which will help build rapport.

Expressing yourself without violating others. Confidence to communicate without fear of the outcome.

The ability to cope with tough times by applying inner strength and engaging support networks.

Identifying weaknesses and then making effortful practice into mastering the required skill

Conduct, aims and qualities that characterise a person. Upheld through self-respect & respect for others.

Effortful practice of giving undivided and non-judgmental attention to the person speaking

Here’s what some of our current Northside Wizards officials have to say about their experiences as a basketball official…

“I’ve been a player for a few years and wanted to understand the game from a different perspective. This has helped me improve my basketball skills.”
Brodie – Trainee Referee


“Communication and leadership skills are the biggest things I’ve developed…I’ve also learnt how to better take care of my body”
Dan – Advanced Referee & Level 1 Statistician


“Confidence, the ability to make quick decisions, communication skills, team work. The ability to take on feedback”
Nicky – Level 2 Scoretable & Trainee Referee


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